Ezeanyika  Jessica


Ezeanyika Jessica

2 months ago

Zingiber officinale, AKA Ginger is a root spice that grows in Asia, west Africa and the Carribeans.

It is both my favorite spice and herb.

The truth is, I wasn't a huge fan of it until last year when my mates and I were asked to research on it for our project. I found out soon after that this rhizome which is abundant where I come from presents a list of soothing and healing properties.

Moderate consumption of ginger causes a significant decrease in cholesterol levels thus cutting down the risk of atherosclerosis and other issues that may arise from fat accumulation in the blood stream.

If you are on a weight loss journey, you may want to consider adding it to your diet. Since it contains fibres, it is also a huge help in digestion and bowel movement. It also relieves nausea, balances the blood sugar and acts as an antioxidant.

Ginger has become a key ingredient in my tomato stew and jollof preparation😉.

When I have a little cold, I stir it in hot water and drink. I love ginger!


2 months ago

Praise Chukwuegu Achungo Mable

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