McPatrick Michael Linus


McPatrick Michael Linus

5 months ago


My country,
Is a crime scene,
Criminals rule the roost,
Crime is live on the screen
And before necked eyes, but
Protest outlawed, protesters labeled,
Haunted and incarcerated

My country,
A violated virgin
Rapists rape her daily
Pimps gives her to pornstars
Preying on her at will
She's regular on beds of randy rogues
Who ride her in marathon
While cops and courts
Watch hands akimbo

My country,
Now a walking corpse
Starved, deprived and malnourished
Chained and abused
Her offsprings desert her
She's a shadow of old self
All now stigmatizes her

My country,
A state of anarchy,
Anarchists on the throne,
Terrorists in charged,
Impunity reign supreme,
Bandits place us on band-A,
Robbing us of all

My country,
One big baked cake,
Crooks cut and share
Cronies wine and dine
Criminals on the table, breaking fast
Unsavory elements having lion shares
The bakers deprived and starved

My country,
A trash can, a dumped side,
Scavengers, scavenging her,
Opportunists reap where they never sow
She's a free for all,
Her pride and dignity gone
Now a sinking ship,
Mediocre sailing her to bottomless pit

My country,
A paper tiger,
A subdued and debased entity,
A sleeping and snoring giant,
A muted and timid hulk,
A dwarf before her towering peers,
A mockery before all eyes

(C) October, 2024

By: McPatrick Michael Linus

5 months ago

Favour Samuel Newyork Nerd

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