Nwakaego Uwaka@nwakaegouwaka689014
1 year ago
It's yet another #WellnessWednesday and today I will be emphasizing on MOVEMENT.
That's right. Daily practice of movement for at least, 30 minutes.
Most freelancers are guilty of this. They work from home, sitting in front of their computers for hours on end.
Hey there workaholic!
What time is it?
It's time to move. It's time to commit to daily movement practices.
The benefits it provides for your physical and mental health are endless.
Practicing daily movement helps in strengthening your muscles, causes a spike in your energy level, and reduces the risk of health issues associated with being overweight.
It does your mental health good also by improving your mood and reducing the risk of anxiety and depression.
It is good for your memory and serves as a perfect way to release stress.
The good part is that you are in charge and can choose absolutely any form of movement that you prefer.
It can be a 30-minute walk, 30 minutes of stretching, cycling, or even dancing!
Finding it difficult to keep up with your daily movement routine?
There's nothing to worry about. Just adopt a routine you naturally enjoy, take it slow, and increase the time frame as you get more comfortable.
You'll be fine, and your skin will thank you for it.
Oops! I finally spilled.
Yes, daily movement practice has some positive impact on your skin health also and helps in making it glow.
So people.....
Ready, set, MOVE!