Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine
Oluchi Akam

Mon Cher Amor, My Sweet Love, My Valentine

Oluchi Akam

11 months ago

How do I tell of you to mankind
How do I tell that you always had me in mind
Right from that day I got messed up
I always wondered what it is you had in store
For me as a child
I grew deciding to act daft and dumb
As I wondered what place I had in life
I never took things serious
Not even people
I held all with loose hands
Perhaps I wasn't sure I had a place on the universe
I knew you because I heard of the home where you were
A place we were also expected to be in So I developed an interest in you
Not because I wanted to be where you were
But because I didn't want to be in the other place
I kept myself from all things ungodly
But I couldn't from secular music
Not ones with soul rending lyrics
I loved to be in tune with them
I tried my best to separate myself
And when I couldn't
I decided to ignore your existence
At a time I decided to let go of all
And follow you
Didn't they say what did it profit a man to gain the whole world
And lose you
I tried to know you
I consulted the said holy book
Where I found stories
Stories I would tell mates who cared
It was a good way to stay close to You Our relationship had ups and down There were times I thought you were
Too busy to answer the prayer of a young girl
Until I returned from doubt
Stood at a distance
Saw how you were the only one
Who understood and made happen the Things that would make me become.
You paved ways I never asked & knew needed to be paved
You held and brought things together for me
Things I never knew and asked about
All these while you only wanted to help and watch me grow to become.
I've decided to trust
Mostly when I think and feel things aren't going right
I now choose to smile in the midst of Chaos
Not because I love chaos
But because I know you got it all sorted Out
Dear creator, Mon Cher Amor,
I love to Tell you that I will love you with all my flaws
Cause I know that's how you want it
I may never be able to love you
The same you do me
But I will love you the best way I can
Every minute, every second and every moment
To a dearest Creator
To a Father
My Love
Mon Cher Amor


11 months ago

Miracle Nwolisa Godson  Nwachukwu Oluchi Akam

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Miracle Nwolisa @miraclenwaolisa051208
beautiful piece
11 months ago

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Godson Nwachukwu @godsonokoro
well written
11 months ago