Prisca (SVC) Chigozirim


Prisca (SVC) Chigozirim

1 month ago

‭Ecclesiastes 2:13-15 said, "I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness. The wise have eyes in their heads, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both. Then I said to myself, “The fate of the fool will overtake me also. What, then, do I gain by being wise?” I said to myself, “This too is meaningless.”

Now listen let me tell you something. Wisdom is always better than folly, whether you believe it or not. Yes, the wise always have eyes in their heads.

You know, this generation is so desperate that they fall for anything they hear so easily. This is why you should discern of anything that is always countering your decisions psychologically, spiritually, and physically. You must guard your heart from any arrow of discouragement before you become a victim.

Many people are feeling so frustrated in life that they have made up their minds to bring in more people to their department of  "frustration." Sorry that I am using these words, but it is so true. I would rather say the truth and save someone than sit and watch people perish in confusion.

When they don't find answers to their questions, they begin to make up stories they will use to deceive people. I am talking about anyone who is talking down on genuine people in Christianity. "All priests and men of God are thieves. They are just looking for people to dupe," "Stop going to church, it is just a waste of time," I overheard one of them saying.

Really. You that have not been duped by any pastor before, how many investments have you made so far? How many people have you started employing in your office? Your current workers, have you paid them their salaries? By chance, were you waiting for them to plead with you before you paid them the money they slaved for?

“The fate of the fool will overtake me also. What, then, do I gain by being wise? This, too, is meaningless.”
👆This has been the reason why so many people break laws today. So, because all of us are going to receive the same fate at last, you are now living a life and hurting people in the process.

My dear, you will gain a lot of things by being wise even if everyone is going to have the same fate.

Please, believe anything you want to believe but be wise enough to live a life that won't hurt people or steal their joy. Thank you

I always come in peace because I am a peaceful troublemaker 🚶🏿‍♀️
Today is for people talking down on genuine Christians. Tomorrow will be for people who answer "Christians" but are not behaving like one. Ka odi!

Photo - Canva


1 month ago

Prisca (SVC) Chigozirim Emmanuel Job

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