Tonye Obomate

May I Introduce Myself Sweethearts...

Tonye Obomate

4 months ago

So it's been 9 days since I created the Nircle app with the intention of growing my page and you know, putting myself out there. Well, I'm now ready to take that bold step.
for formalities sake, my name is Obomate Jenewari. I'm a final year student of English language and literary studies . I'm relatively young, Uhh ...5.5 inches tall, and I'm light skinned as well.
I'm a Voice over artist. Got into the industry early this year. I write as well but not much . ( Yea I'm kinda lazy when it comes to writing) but that will change. I'm certain 😌
I'm a goddamn delight you know, Though highly introverted, I have other interests. They are singing, creating art; I love producing Adire materials ( simply known as Tie and Dye) and I crotchet too although I'm mediocre at it . It's a hobby I picked up recently. I love living in cold places/ environments , reading novels and voicing ... That's all for now☺️
I'm truly excited to be amongst creatives here and I intend evolving into one. A renowned one to be precise. That being said... Please join me as I make this journey 😌❤️

4 months ago

Newyork Nerd Tonye Obomate physician  Poet

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Newyork Nerd @newyorknerd212423
A warm welcome to you. Am sure many like me would like to join your crotchet class.
4 months ago

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Ashaolu Opeyemi Christiana @opeyemichristianaashaolu397557
Good evening mama, I also just joined Nircle Circle, so can we connect?
4 months ago

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Ashaolu Opeyemi Christiana @opeyemichristianaashaolu397557
Good evening mama, I also just joined Nircle Circle, so can we connect?
4 months ago

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Tonye Obomate @obomatetonye219791
Hello, Ash . Sure we can . Although I'm not always active here since I post only on Fridays and Sundays now . I'd do well to engage on all your contents when I'm here . welcome dear❣️
4 months ago