#lovePoem #poetry
Takbam ebenezer@ebenezertakbam
1 year ago
My Apple
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Down !dawn !
In the woods
I find you
Between the trees
Non is compare to you
You captured my heart
With twinkling twakling of your eyes
Just like a moon
Rushing through the dark path
You sprinkled your face
Into the desert of my heart
You pounced pounds
Which I can't pay
Hug me with your beauty
That stormy color
Which is gold!
My apple
The only one in my eyes
Staring my eyeballs
I fear your beauty
Flipping through my lips
I'll kiss your mouth
Sweet tau_tom_Tom carve
Blinking jingling your shape
I can't resist
My heart beats
My apple
My other half
My mirror
You're my armor
When I wear you
I can battle with other beauties
When I'm with you
No beauty stands my way
My hut is build
Prepared and carved
Trying to peep for your coming
The doors are waiting
The windows are peeping
Anxiously waiting for you
Why can't you let me in
Kiss me with the kisses of love
That I may not forget
Hug me with the hug of care
That I'll remember you
I'll sink deep into you my deepest joy
I love you
I truly love you
🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 ❤