Albert Mokera

love with pain know who to love

Albert Mokera

9 months ago

Time change as chameleon changes its colours
Today we are firm as affirmative tomorrow on farm it's over
So painful yet you were so patient and humble
So sorry to say to people on sad story you experienced
So happy to be in a relationship to sorry to know you are just nothing
Why do we allow chameleon in our relationship
So hurt breaking to by loyal in name of love tomorrow you are alone in tears
So complex to say today is my sweetheart soulmate but tomorrow is shift with someone
Why can't we be serious even once as sun and rain
I wonder as wondering Jew on summary sun day
Where when did all occurred in my life story
What was the hidden mistry that has been revealed right now
Am worried without any answer whom can l ask
All l know aren't with me today they flew away leaving me back
Am surprised actually when all the Changes wiii be erased completely
Myself am a dormant volcano without any say to satution
Composed by Tiberius Alberto 💔💔💔💔💔💔

9 months ago

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