Love My Neighborhood
Emeka Okeke

Love My Neighborhood

Emeka Okeke

6 months ago

My Neighbourhood is a small town called "Awkuzu", I'm a student living at one of the lodges over there and I like the atmosphere in this place. It's a very lively neighbourhood with lots of friendly people to meet and talk with, I'm very lucky to be in this place cause it's a very comfortable area to live.

Also, one of the things I really dislike about my Neighbourhood is the fact that there are a lot of bushy areas all around and as a result of this, we are being plagued every night by mosquitoes. It's such a heartbreaking revelation actually but nevertheless it doesn't stop the fact that this is the best place to live with lots of beautiful lodges all around and nice people to encounter everyday.


6 months ago

Emeka Okeke

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