Love At First Sight
Emeka Okeke

Love At First Sight

Emeka Okeke

10 months ago

The Chemistry between two humans cannot be a thing to argue about because they're certain kinds of attraction bound to happen between two adults. The hormones in our body has been hardwired to feel a sense of connection
Towards each other.

When two people fall in love with each other the first time they met themselves, that's what we call"Love At First Sight". it's often said of two humans to have this deep attraction for each other,but it happen a whole lot of the times.

Even from the time of Adam And Eve, Love has always been a thing for Mankind as it makes two people bound together forever to each other. So what I'm trying to say In Essence is that Love is a Powerful tool that can break all the odds of life


10 months ago

Peace chetachukwu  Alor Emeka Okeke

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