Listening To Myself
onyango moses@mosesonyango396109
3 months ago
Stories must be told someday,
I have been praying and working on this,
Not on my own accord though,
But in faith and by faith that finally it is.
It has always been, I just refused to see His divine love,
Sadly lost in personal anxieties- about being like him,
Possibly; morphologies, accents, attitudes or other traits,
Do I walk, stare or do amazing deeds like he does?
My fantasy to meet my father,
Has never tormented me before two years ago,
I lived unconcerned for so long,
Until once upon a time I thought of getting out.
Stepping into the delicate arena of possessing another,
The inception of my own into the nature of a maiden,
Hours on I’d sit solo, conjecturing if that would be wise.
Where would I take them both, away from city life?
Worry not for the things of tomorrow,
I fidget when I imagine myself, not being logical,
If the birds roam, live and eat freely,
Why pound my heart and mind with trouble like so?
I rest my back on the floor, thinking of my destiny,
Outside my window, I hear a child cry senseless,
I peek without moving an inch, what if that was me?
“I will report this to your father, you mule,” she.
Here I am now, a fatherless child,
Yet by my side, the Creator of fathers themselves stands,
Watching over me like a shepherd,
Lions I’ve heard, elephants can maraud all they want.
My faith in what He wants for me- solid as a blessed cornerstone,
I remain brave, thoughtful, mindful and thankful in spirit,
For His majestic protection, loving care beyond human conception,
Indeed He is the father of the fatherless, Glory! Glory! Be He.