Keytake always from the Contest Talk webinar
Nircle Poetry@nirclepoetry
1 year ago
Thank you to the @nircleevents team for that interesting webinar and the event team loved connecting with folks who were able to show up!
Hashtags challenges are a great way to prepare to participate in Nircle poetry challenges!
Key points to remember from the webinar!
🖋️You get to master your Nircle tools
🖋️make friends in the community
🖋️ get feedbacks from peers and opportunity to ask questions before
🖋️ solve problems together before contests
#FF0000;" href="https://nircle.com/post/nircle-community-events-contest-talk-keytakeaway/qmUihNIoGq9aZZzP" target="_blank">https://nircle.com/post/nircle-community-events-contest-talk-keytakeaway/qmUihNIoGq9aZZzP