Onowanlan Brenda

Just another day at work.

Onowanlan Brenda

4 months ago

I'm not sure why, but I chose to wear black today. It's not particularly significant, but I can't help but wonder what it would symbolize in a piece of literature. Perhaps it could represent mourning for the all-too-brief weekend that just passed, or for the lack of sleep I couldn't catch up on. Maybe it symbolizes mourning for the solitude that awaits me in the office, where I'll be the only person there from 9 am to 5 pm. It definitely feels like mourning, but what can I do? We all have to make ends meet.
But then again, I did a cherry-bottom lip combo, not for any special reason, just because I liked it. At least it adds a little bit of color to this dreary attire.

4 months ago

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