Marvellous  Godsadler


Marvellous Godsadler

11 months ago

As soft as a wool yet her skin is as thick as the bark of a cedar.

Her heart is like a waxed heart that can melt at the site of a Little flame yet she's a burning flame .

Her thickness is very intriguing, her softness glaring .
How else can you be strong if you are not a WOMAN .

she is four different humans within thirty days .
her pain absorbing strength gives pain itself blue-black eyes.
She bleeds when it's not haemorrhage
she bleeds when there's no cut
How else can you be strong if you are not a WOMAN

She is birthed to birth another
God's creation office is within her loins
She is a god
A travailing god.
Dear daring beautiful woman , you are ravishing even with your flaws.
stay feminine that's where your strength is.
You are not a King , you are a QUEEN .
An Esteemed queen .
A queen that completes a dynasty.

Whether she be tall , short , dark skinned, fair skinned , fat , slim , skinny , lanky , endowed , disabled , complete, she is a WOMAN and that defines her.

Happy international women's day
I'm woman and I'm strong ❤️.

11 months ago

Marvellous  Godsadler

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