I'm about to Conquer
Mufasa Young

I'm about to Conquer

Mufasa Young

4 months ago

I’ve been reading the book of Ecclesiastes;
there’s time for everything,
But what time is it? time to feel as if this pain has no ending?

Sometimes I try to appreciate what I have,
and pray for more, including favour and grace in abundance
Yeah, I’m wise enough to know that I need protection;
most times after being granted my rights, I mean the conjugal ones,
but will it hurt this once?
Gaining the freedom of meat to meat this once?
Knowing that I might ride and die afterwards?

But no matter what, life’s a game full of dice and cards
Today I’m the king with six guards and a queen,
Later I’m the laughing stock, only but a joker,
only but a survivor, striving to be a hawker.
But it is what it is, royalty runs in my blood and genes,
I’m the King’s son, born to conquer,
driven by faith and grace all-over,
watch my pace, I’m about to conquer!
#poetry #nirclefeeds #nirclecommunity #love #poemoftheday #intimacy #poeticjustice #trending #MUFASA

4 months ago

Mufasa Young Ezefili  Ruth

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