Oluwagbenga Abiola


Oluwagbenga Abiola

2 months ago

"I Hate You"

You saunter into the room, a vision of perfection,
A masterpiece of elegance, a work of art in every direction.
Your smile, a radiant sunrise, illuminates the space,
While I'm left to wallow in the shadows, a dull, forgotten face.

Your laughter, a melodic symphony, echoes through the air,
As I seethe with envy, my heart a cauldron of bitter care.
Your success, a towering monument, casts a long, ominous shade,
Reminding me of my own failures, my dreams forever delayed.

Oh, how I adore the way you effortlessly excel,
A virtuoso of victory, while I'm stuck in a rut, a perpetual shell.
Your confidence, a swaggering giant, strides across the floor,
Leaving me to tremble in its wake, a timid, insignificant roar.

I hate you for being better, for shining brighter than me,
For making me feel small, insignificant, a mere speck in the sea.
I hate you for your achievements, for your radiant, beaming light,
That casts a harsh, unforgiving glare on my own dull, lackluster night.

But most of all, I hate you for making me hate myself,
For holding up a mirror to my own inadequacies, my own failed wealth.
You're a constant reminder of all that I'm not,
A nagging, gnawing voice that whispers "you'll never be enough."

So here's to you, dear nemesis, my archenemy, my foe,
May your success continue to torment me, may your brilliance forever glow.

Written by Abiola Oluwagbenga

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2 months ago

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