Frida Jenifer@fridajenifer922390
1 year ago
Hush baby cry no more. It's written mostly said life isn't a bed of roses. Honey they never clarified that it was a bed full of thorns. And turning right would prick and to the left you would bleed for it mercilessly tore your flesh. Then scars would be left on the skin and deep down wounds were to be covered and all would try to ignore it's presence. Whose the bearer they never questioned for your arms held the scar that would always be a reminder. Her cries would always remind you of the wound you tried so hard to cover. And you can't hide it any more so you cry along for thy hands are tied together. The ones gone are gone and the ruthless sun we claim more life his fellow flood will sway home away. Maybe you will be next for the thorns may prick your wound harder. Who knows she may be bearing a deeper wound and if the thorns grow longer or a dangerous species of the same family is risen she may be no more. In the end one mourner might be left.