.xp weirdme@miraclemiracle935004
2 months ago
photo credit :: Pinterest
I called him daddy, he said he's my zaddy
I blew him a kiss, he caught it up rising
I shot him a smile, he curled up his lips
I tapped at the bottle, and licked at my fingers
He arched on the sofa and straightened himself
I am stubborn, very stubborn, I like ‘em submissive
Stubborn ones are the sweetest, it turns’ut t'be ma expertise
He growled in anger and flushed so pink
I flexed my hips so thankful I always worked my iliopsoas
He furrowed his lashes sizing the guards up
Flirt or foreplay, your reasoning decide for you
Staying in a dungeon, kidnapping gotta be cool
Kidnapping is kidnapping, no matter how you paint it tho
Lying's not gonna help me cos I'm having great fun
Besides staring and ogling, this zaddy seems less busy