Hibiscus a Lovely Drink
Lambe-Rohi Bethel-Gold@bethelgoldayodele308287
1 month ago
Hello, good evening,
Sitting down to reflect on this health and wellness challenge and seeing the first day challenge, I sat down to think about it, and I have come to realize my go-to herb that has sustained me during times I felt weak and sickly was Hibiscus a.k.a. zobo leaf.
This leaf has its nutritional value and benefits.
According to the research I did, the hibiscus flower belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae) and is native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
Zobo drink also known as roselle drink is made from the roselle plant a species of Hibiscus.
The flowers have various uses in food, medicine, and beverages.
This flower, when dried, can be boiled and served chilled with sweetener and flavour mixed inside as a drink/wine for pleasure, tea [without the sweetener or flavour] for keeping you healthy and vibrant as ever, it can be used as medicine to treat sickness and ailments like high blood pressure, fever, and digestive issues, it can be used as food garnishing in salad and added to soup [according to preference], and I discovered it can be used in cosmetics.
It is used as cosmetic; I will try to explore that aspect and see how great it will be as a natural skin healer and medicine.
So, now we are aware of the use of hibiscus as not just a means for medicine but for food and cosmetics.
Thanks for reading, and see you in the next post.
Photo credit: BBC - .bbc.com%2Fpidgin%2Farticles%2Fclwpxpd7q1eo&psig=AOvVaw3vRcUFAt2D8rsP7UJ2ffdr&ust=1733337094753000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCJiFxIGejIoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE