Ibezim Emily


Ibezim Emily

3 months ago

There are moments in life when you feel your best
Not because something grand happened
But because of growth
You can just tell that you’re a better person now
than then.
And this growth is different for everyone. But how beautiful it is!

There are moments like right now
When I feel I can conquer the world
All the limitations I once knew, have melted away
I am filled with hope for my future
like constant butterflies in my tummy

To be honest,
The past weeks have been filled with growth
And truthfully, although the growth is evident,
It hasn’t made me a super-human.
Even in these periods of growth, I stumbled
at some point.
I desperately tried not to
But it happened any way.

But that’s the thing with growth.
If you keep nurturing yourself
And not give up, the past “stumbling” will be of no effect to the YOU that is being built.
And at the end, it’ll just be part of your unique story
of how consistency and patience paid off.

So, here’s to growth and more growth!
There is much more that you are capable of
Do you know that?
The process is slow and can be monotonous
But the result it brings is always worth it.


3 months ago

Ibezim Emily

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