Elbane Michael@elbanemichael728874
1 year ago
Slowly it crept in making the ignorant it's home,
Making himself comfortable, it began to roam,
Bit by bit it made it's carrier enticed by his desire,
Causing him to love and admire sin– oh the liar,
Time became far spent yet it's carrier never recognized himself on fire.
Further and further he dived till he lost count.... sin became a constant chain he carried,
Deeper he strode till his heart and conscience,in sin and filth,were buried.
But for how long? how long would sin remain acceptable,
How long will it take before the once gallant and passive heart succumb to defeat?
What will it take to rise past the chains of sin and filth?
Identity shape-shifted to condemnation,
Glory dimmed by unholy affirmation,
Oh! A life once filled with appreciation,
Now an asylum for depression,
Left the mold of purpose;became a disciple destruction,
Value given as exchanged for illusion,
Sin a lifestyle it became without caution,
Mundane cravings birthed to action.
That old serpent the devil,
Filled with lust and evil,
Enemy to God and man,
Tempter and accuser of man!
Destroyer of destinies,
Magnanimous in casualties,
Wroughting harm and difficulties.
with undying thirst and hunger to crush the deludable,
he stormed the earth making evil possible,
Greed the only craving satiable,
Murder becoming the thing of the past, yet present continuous,
A verb found to be fun yet poisonous,
Stealing a word for hustle,
lying and gambling a bustle,
Depression soon becoming a word for the streets?
since when have we lost our wits.
questions upon questions mounts yet what the destroyer has routed remains a reminder! MY PAST.