.xp weirdme@miraclemiracle935004
2 months ago
photo credit :: Pinterest
I've been through pain
You've been through it right?
We need that soul that knows
That will understand and empathize
That can accept our imperfections
That can allow us to be vulnerable
We don't need to sit tight all the while
Cross our legs and act all professional
Cuddle to a corner and act all self righteous
We need to soar, to swim, to fly and to roar
We want to snub too, feel wanted, feel loved
We also want to be cuddled, to be kissed and patted
Come…come my lovely one for I cherish you
You've endured for too long, you need a break
Come…wallow in my embrace as we connect our souls
You've got what it takes, heartbreak, bruises and cuts
Come…let me plant my lips on your vestibular elevation
You've earned the right to be satiated by me…come