Christopher  Adenike

guys and ladies on this !!?

Christopher Adenike

1 year ago

why do we ladies needs or do shakara anytime a guys ask us out? well after coming up with this,below are my few point of view 😌...

firstly, Plenty shakara builds up anticipation and expectation, it wasnt like she wasnt good but d shakara has made you feel like when you get it, it will be somthing out of this world but it aint. this kind of thing has actually broken up a marriage on their first official assignment cos the guy felt he was conned into marry her since he felt her refusal to have sex with him while they were courting was cos she was a virgin.

secondly if we do shakara you guys will be like we're too mean and not serious and if we no do shakara you'll say we're seriously...!!?😂😂
Thirdly I think you need to respect the choice of we ladies and understands too and for the ladies we need to be mature cos our maturity really matters a lot

Furthermore, guys pls our manner of approach sometimes cos the fact that some ladies are dirty or you once had the opportunity to go dirty on a lady doesn't make you think that we all are the same . Let's respect that,, we're not the same so learn how to speak to us .

In conclusion, ladies our mode of dressing too cos there's a saying which states that the way you dress is how you'll be addressed. Our dressings too sometimes determines the kind of people that approach too..

let me see your own point of view too in the comments section 😌

Thanks for reading
I love y'all


Secondly they say the best things in life aregift

1 year ago

Christopher  Adenike Uche uzodinma

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