Jatau Lumumba@lumumbajatau995415
2 months ago
"We haven't had meat in months, only crayfish and onion." The lad without slippers hissed.
"Hear who is spoiled," the second lad without a shirt reported to the third. "We haven't had oil in rice, except for salt, sometimes vegetables." He grumbled.
The third lad with no slippers, no shirt, but a string of rags barely covering his buttocks, shook his head in amazement and said, "Look at me."
"What about you?" the second asked nonchalantly.
"Yes, what is it with you, to look at?" the first queried.
"I'm grateful," the third vehemently answered. "For the Pap I had without sugar, I even added a pinch of salt to garnish the taste."
The first and second sneered. "Why then are you thankful?" asked the second mockingly.
"Yes, what is there to be grateful for?" inquired the first.
"Everything," replied the third. "It is agonizing to want, but soothing to accept one's lot in life. It is a burden to desire, but it is a relief to be contented."
"Of what good is it to me, when I desire your crayfish and onions?" He asked the first lad.
"And you, of what benefit to covet your salty vegetables?" he inquired from the second.
"It will only brew the suffering that comes with desire and cause disturbance in the heart. Being grateful keeps the soul light and sets the mind at peace. For the weight of want is heavy like a thousand boulders and the fang of desire sharper than a butcher dagger."
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®Lumumba Jatau