heavens chloe

FREE by heavens

heavens chloe

1 month ago

Caged and chained in a tiny world
Wondering what is like outside
A tiny bird imprisoned from what they said
Dying little by little from inside
Wanting to be free but I can't
Even searching for it's wing's to shine
Because I can't fly

There in the cage
I dream dreams inside on stage
But nightmares stample my tiny hope
Breaking NY soul a thousand times
But I won't give up
Then I became brave
Even fighting nightmares I did
Will I ever fly again?

From the ashes I rose
Like a phoenix I chose
A little bird no more
A bird wild Rose I became
Being reborn they said
My wings already found
Happy trying them out
Even spreading them so far and wide
Chains I broke them to free
Nightmares I fought them to prwee
There up in the sky
Getting the schandforia feeling
Brings back tears of joy
Up I fly,up I soar
Until I brush up against the clouds

1 month ago

abass mohammed heavens chloe

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