andron oyoo@andronoyoo061802
2 months ago
Standing at the office window,
In my thoughts I willow and wallow,
Holding on the grill of the window,
I envision myself in bondage.
Since when has man known freedom?
From childhood, man is always in bondage,
Held by a thing one or another,
Be it expectations, norms, or fear.
In the playground, rules dictate our play,
In school, grades confine our minds,
In work, deadlines constrain our creativity,
In relationships, expectations bind our hearts.p
Yet, amidst these chains, there is a glimmer,
A spark of rebellion, a yearning for release,
For true freedom lies not in breaking chains,
But in transcending them, in the mind's liberation.
So I stand at the office window,
With a silent resolve to break free,
Not from the physical, but from the shackles within,
For therein lies the true path to freedom's kin.