Peace chetachukwu  Alor

Forum Games

Peace chetachukwu Alor

7 months ago

Poetry, generally, is a combination of words and song
Both poetry and music often rely on rhythm and meter to create a sense of structure and flow
Overall, the relationship between poetry and music is a rich and multifaceted one.

Both are of great importance to each other.

I think if I am given a choice between them, then I would choose music. No matter how much I love writing, if I am sad, most of the times I keep staring at the page with a pen in my hand, unable to flow my emotions out.

Music, on the other hand, is a therapy for me. When you are happy, you enjoy the music. But when you are sad, you understand the lyrics.


7 months ago

Peace chetachukwu  Alor

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