Ako Philemon@akophilemon942119
18 days ago
Til the very end,
Keep on,
Hold on.
Failure is not dismissal,
but the inability to try again.
Many quit too soon not knowing how close they were to success.
A craven was found a chest.
The Captain's chest.
And full of treasure.
And thought, had I that hammer made of Ivory which the carpenters, quarriers wield, the treasure would be mine.
Striking upon the rock thrice, left,
suffering muscle aches.
And threw it away, "what a trash!"
Then came the wayfarer on horse back.
With one prance of the hoof on the chest,
Lay the chest in shards.
There was unto him the treasure.
How lucky was he, exclaimed the craven upon hearing of it.
Till the very end,
Hold on,
Keep on.
Failure is not dismissal,
Neither it is a sentence to oblivion,
But our inability to try obliterates us.
Many quit at the verge of success,
Not knowing how close they were to success.