Evolution of consciousness
Noble otamiri@nobleotamiri855179
1 year ago
Raise your conciousness! thrive to facilitate the possibility of the evolution of our species.Begin to vibrate in accordance to the resonance of a very high frequency. The thoughts of the compassionate mind is far much richer in it's essence than the self centered contemplation of an egoistic desire, true Intelligence indeed is the expression of an empathetic heart, a heart that is light as a feather can make it's mind soar in the sky of thoughts like an eagle, because a compassionate mind would always strive to discover knowledge beyond itself , however a mind rigid as stone does not know distance beyond it's position. The mind of the self-centered contemplates for only that which it knows about itself and would never come into the realization that creation is Beyond that which it has known for itself. Tell me!!! What is the mind that can see beyond the vail and the illusions of self? What is the mind that can explore and aquire beyond the shadow of self gratification?! It is a mind light enough to be awakened into the reality that the universe is vast and eternal above and beyond his world! Beyond his paradime! And beyond all what he can concieave of himself alone.The mind that can see beyond the veil of illusion and self-gratification must be open, curious, and humble. It must be willing to question its own assumptions and beliefs, and be willing to learn from the world around it. This type of mind must be courageous enough to let go of the need for control and certainty, and embrace the mystery and wonder of existence. It must be able to see itself as part of a larger whole, and recognize that there is much to be gained from exploring and expanding its awareness beyond the self.