every flesh you feed on, you will account.
Abdulrauf Olajide@abdulraufolajide779481
7 months ago
why do you feed on flesh & blood?
what is more heavier to carry
than the breath of a crumbled
body beneath a bomb-crippled house?
i mean, nothing disappears more
than a family's name, erected on a
wall, effaced by a bombshell's blow.
see, your skin's color carries not
a feather in defining you being a
human; the mercy in your eyes does!
if your human right can't protect
an innocent toddler on his cradle,
i wonder about the receding grey!
listen, i acclaim not an activist's wig
or a spokesperson for God, but why
do you feed on others' flesh & blood?
Lieutenant Abdulrauf Olajide O. M.

7 months ago

7 months ago