Simiyu Danniel

Erotic tension

Simiyu Danniel

3 days ago

recipes into your own lover

So much ache for intimacy and to be held that I told her;
Strip, unstitch, unbutton the vulnerable parts of you,
Unnerve the strings of fleeting wishes and desires in benign skies and flirt with them in the essence of your becoming
For answers you crave,questions you yearn for , how you'd like to be held and made love to,unzip every facet ;Conjure a powerful witch and dance with the sorcery of your charm as you own the wild and feral parts of you unexplored
In your mirror , affirm less the power of you and the manifestations instead;
Trace your reflection with your moisten pulp lips
Linger a while on the edges of desire,and nestle in the phantom of you and transience , a foreplay with love !
Drench yourself in the sweet fragrance of your sweat,a round of applause for excellence, so much love etched in the palm of your heart,a phenomenal discovery, own lover , patience in your unravel
Fervently setting up altars for the one, naming and claiming yet scaling up mountains of crumbs of affection, drowning in pools of unrequited love!
Pause my beloved!
Maybe you haven't loved yourself enough to be loved!

3 days ago

Simiyu Danniel

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