Frida Jenifer@fridajenifer922390
1 year ago
Erokamano maanzii, for our memories you ferry deep in your waters. Your depths bear the echoes of the cheering crowd, the gasping of our people as they resurface from your precious body.
Asante maji, for our men and women turn to the religious path of life. Seeking Nyasaye as they get cleansed in your depths. You flow away with the sins that we bared and we are left free without thambi, we become new creatures reborn in Christ.
Embwo amachi, for you remain a reminder to our men not to go back to their old ways. And she has a joyous smile for her soul feels contented. Generation after generation they will pass your importance down. Through you we are united with Mola.
Thegeyu mayii,
Embwo amachi,
Erokamano manzii,
Asante maji,
Thank you African waters,
For our religion lies deep in your depths.
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago