Miss Teensy

Effects of Ignorance

Miss Teensy

2 days ago

Love is constant in humans and it holds everything. But why is it different in the life of one teenage girl while growing up?
Naturally, humans are drawn to another by a force that attracts them together.
Why do some irritate others who naturally has nothing to do in their lives? Why do they claim authority upon people head to be ignorant in life?
I wondered each day how some talk to others as if knowledge were under the ground.
People say things that evidently are not factual and appropriate when we hear it.
They believe they know better and try to persuade to do things that are out of the right.
Is this a form trafficking, I ask myself. Putting people in delirium, confusion and poor reasoning ability.
Knowledge is lasting and vital for our everyday. Why deprive people of a measure of knowledge? We may see and think we understand. We may hear and think we heard with clarity.

#NircleStories#missTobore #mind

2 days ago

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