Eagle's freedom
micheal morgan

Eagle's freedom

micheal morgan

6 months ago


shambling shy
within narrow years! why?
black ugly situations
for our sorrowful nations
from cradle to cripple
they couldn't speak but grumble
why? religious affiliateship!
now endorsed into hardship
my people, our people
Africa, lost it's dimple
wow!! trading culture for bribe
wallowers of ethnocentrism, my honourable tribe
why do you now weep
for the truth you led to sleep
fleeing from justice
as perfect as its crystals and wonderous lattice
my people now like a crying baby
helpless in the arms of their fate, maybe
yet powerful in packs of dark melanin
absorbing pains like Sunrays, they'll win
our government, our iconic monuments
killing its own to fill it's elements
Saharan serpents with golden fangs as promises
spurring poisons of genocide in capsuled policies
why? why do we hunger even as blessed people
blemishless with the pride of black people
yet our songs have transcended into tributes
to honour her almost lost greatness, praised with flutes
our days persevered with sadness
our scholars subject to madness
equity strangled dead in fear
while minds waste away for insecurity here and there
hence these shackles must break
and every glory, we must awake
with one voice for Africa's
for her children, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.


image reference: Shutterstock.com

6 months ago

Chalya Goli Abby  Saila Sofiyat Hassan Amarachi  Anastasia  Okoro

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Becky Oludayo Peleowo @beckyoludayoadenuga426965
From Cradle to cripple is a situational irony. This depicts retrogression instead of growth. This poem is a wake up call for African to back what we have lost to self inflicted afflictions. The mild rhymes accentuates the melancholic tone of the poet. Though the mood of the pot started off as that of despair, it ended on a mood of hope that there couls still be a remedy to Africans problems.
6 months ago

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Chelsea Nahai Awang @chelseaawang911330
love the internal rhyming!
6 months ago

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Amarachi Anastasia Okoro @amarachiokoro
I love the rhythm and rhyme. it is giving. engage mine and tell me what you think
6 months ago