Kingsley Bassey Ukpong@kingsleybasseyukpong131493
8 months ago
As trees dropping their leaves in the harmattan
Like chaffs by winds driven
Comes the lightening flashes of memories
Far, hidden, the truth lies bare
Like barren lands of covers wind stripped.
In torrents the eroding sands of man
Washes into the rivers of despairs
Naked in beautiful attire clads
Fate orphaned with the truth.
Like caged birds
Not of wings broken but of will
Not with fetters shackled but of will,
The whirlwind dances home bearing
Debris by pilgrims strewn in reckless abandon.
It dances home bearing memories
To judgement truth revealing
Like the chilling cold of winter
The flummox of naked souls
Naked and hungry for a bathe.
Frozen in thoughts at the riverbank
Far away where the fires shiver in cold
And the hearth a blanket begs
Travels the fleeting scenes of haunting
Memories in cliches sequeled.
Whither the dusts of man to earth crumbles
Ego, hate, love, arrogance, and what not?
For this we are, what the shadows holds,
That, yes, what the dust allows
For never strays one beyond his bound,
Whether of thoughts or will
Or the wearied soul in vagrancy or vagabonds
Numbered be the steps of walking dusts,
For this is all we are but grace
Dusts, dusts, dusts...