Don't let fear stop you
Princess Gwushime

Don't let fear stop you

Princess Gwushime

7 months ago

I've always shyed away from doing what I love doing, I've always thought I wasn't really prepared. I always said to myself one day I will. For how long? how long will I keep postponing.

I love writing, sharing my ideas and thoughts but have been scared to share it with the public. Instead, I'll write in a book and close it, thinking that when I'm good at it I'll begin sharing it.

Recently, I learnt that for you to be a good writer you have to start writing. Don't let fear stop you. You don't have to wait till you're good for you to start. You can only be a good writer if you start writing, Of course practice makes perfect.

My tutor was the best, I'll say she flogged the fear out of me and I'm grateful for that. Today I'm glad I can do what I want to do without fear.


7 months ago

NK Sunday

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