Don't kill me
.xp weirdme@miraclemiracle935004
1 month ago
if brows invert, could they make a wave front?
if smiles are round, could they make a round laugh?
we met, not really, but connected
in class, no (smiles), in a hall
Value, whatever you think of it
but it's his name....a bifurcation
a warm smile, revealing those dentition
demure and ecstatic throaty angle of elevation, hot!
I thought I was done, but I wasn't
For all that happens, I hope not to see a W band
I pray not to see that minimus or medius
Especially when it's latching to a glistening fabric
Either way, latching or not latching, can I be spared?
Australian ocean blued glistening maximus, minimus, medius latch
You can only tell when you view it
He's quite the serious type, he's in love with God
You know, it becomes a lot more interesting when it teases you
You want it, but can't have it; in your face, but can't reach it