dedicated to those striving hard to succeed
Emmanuel Eleke chukwu@chukwuemmanueleleke071582
3 months ago
He took a bold step
Without following a man's step
The path he followed
None seem to accompany him
It was a sign that , he wasn't born with a silver spoon
Born to work hard for greatness
He strive with all strength.
His shirt, a symbol of wretchedness,
And his short,a touch of rainbow design with portholes describing his poor nature
The voice of gossipers,he heard but choosed to persevere
Like an eagle ready for flight
He moved on, leaving their voices and fear behind him,
Shooting for the stars,
So he could be a superstar.
He seems to have a different dream,
Even without a helper,
He worked harder,
To see that he becomes stronger,
His parent couldn't afford for their offsprings
He vowed to work hard for his own offsprings
That none will ever experience his type of sufferings
He fought to become great
In him the seed of greatness is planted
He became an unfertiled land that produced good fruit
Hardwork paid him off.