Favour Samuel@favoursamuel013556
16 days ago
Igbo proverbs are a treasure trove of wisdom and insight. They are a reflection of the rich cultural heritage of the Igbo people and provide a wealth of knowledge about life, relationships, and the human condition. Each proverb contains a kernel of truth that can be applied to different situations and circumstances, making them an invaluable resource for understanding and navigating the complexities of life.
What I find particularly fascinating about Igbo proverbs is their use of metaphor and imagery to convey profound truths.
Here are a few popular Igbo proverbs and their meanings:
"Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe" - "He who agrees, his God agrees"
Meaning: seek divine guidance and wisdom in decision-making.
“Egwu adiro atu afo, oburu uzo”- “Fear does not affect the stomach, that’s why it is always in front.”
Meaning: Irrespective of the risk involved, an attempt must be made.
“Okro anaghi eto kari onye kuru ya.”- “The okro cannot grow taller than the planter.”
Meaning: No matter how elevated you get in life, you can't surpass the hand that groomed you.that the wasp stings.
“E tie dike n'ala, a nu uzu ya.”-“Knock a valiant man on the ground and the shouts will be tremendous.”
Meaning: The downfall of a famous man attracts public attention.
“O bu mmuo ndi na-efe na-egbu”- “It is the deity that people worship that kills them.”
Meaning: A reference to the efficacy of people's belief.
“O na-abu akota ihe ka ubi, e lee oba.” - “Whilst farming, if one encounters what is bigger than the farm, one sells the barn.”
Meaning: One who incurs what is beyond one's ability may sell all one has.
“Mmanu akara di uto; Onye ratu, ibe ya a ratu”- “Bean cake oil is sweet; one who tastes should allow others have a taste.”
Meaning: Be good to the people on your way up the ladder.
“O ji ngaji eri chetakwa ndi ji aka”- “He who eats with spoon should remember those who uses hand to eat.”
Meaning: While enjoying yourself, always have the destitute at heart.
“Ogologo abughi na nwa m e tola”- “Tallness is not a yardstick to define maturity.”
Meaning: Maturity in Life is not determined by the physical appearance (athletic build) of an individual.
“Ukwu na ga wara; anya na ga wara na hu ya”- “A leg moving in a shady motion; an eye also moving in a shady motion will sees it.”
Meaning: You can't outsmart everyone.
"I no ebe ina awakwu ogodo ndi n'agba mgba wee gbaachaa mgba ma lawa."- “You kept tying and adjusting your wrestling wrapper (or gear) till other wrestlers finished wrestling and left.”
Meaning: You took too long contemplating and preparing till it was needless †σ take action.
“Ewere otutu cho ewu ojiio tupu abali aru.”- “look for a black goat during the day before the night comes.”
Meaning: Make your decision as quick as possible to avoid setbacks.
“Ichekiriche nwe eze elu nkwu,nwa mbgada nwe uzo ohia.”- “While yellow ant is the king of Palm trees, Antelope is the king of the forest.”
Meaning: Everybody has a weakness/strength.
“Alila mara nma mana Okuko erighi ya.”- “White ant is beautiful but can't be eaten by a hen.”
Meaning: All that glitters isn’t gold.
“Ejii ro ututu amanjo afia.”- “ You can't judge that a market would be bad in the morning.”
Meaning: Ones future can't be determined by a bad start.
"Nnukwu di nno na afọ" - "Greatness is a matter of choice and not by birth"
Meaning: Personal effort and choice in achieving greatness, rather than relying on one's birth or circumstances.
#Africanproverb📍Nigeria, Nigeria