Day 19: Creative Challenge
Destiny Joseph

Day 19: Creative Challenge

Destiny Joseph

20 days ago

Pardon my excesses for missing out on yesterday's daily Post.

Being a creative is Hard Work. It's a whole lot of Mental work.

As usual I woke up to gree the early morning sun. This part of my day delivers a surges of inexplicable pleasure.

For me, the gift of another day was to live in fulfillment of a mandate - "Being creative as my Creator."

For me, the mandate covers the scope of my whole writing experience and its the Insulin once my pen is within grasp.

Yesterday, I had a terrible Block and here's how it all went down.

==>> Poetry

Sinking into my chair for a chill;
I reached out to my quill.
"Walls Within" was the theme to drill;
Each letter for a brick to fill.
Brick walls built with ease;
My peace this piece did cease!

You might have to read the short poem again when you're done reading the whole post cos it's the "why" for this post.

Writer's block is a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from:
•proceeding with a piece
•creating new flavoured content

I know most you y'all can relate with this.

Its characteristics would be:

~Failure to produce new ideas despite the author retaining a normal level of technical fluency

~ A sudden halt of inspiration in the writing process. Sometimes, all you have is the start-up line. (Its not your village people that tied your pen and sense)

~ Sometimes you have too many ideas and still confused which to pursue.

~ Possessing a potent idea. Yet language of expression is inhibited

Blocks can be very short, lasting from minutes to a few days, or can be chronic, lasting decades.

This doesn't mean you lost your ability.
Your ink still flows
Your inspiration only stood still like bordered rivers waiting to unleash torrents of mind blowing contents.

Now you see why "my peace this piece did cease".

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20 days ago

Destiny Joseph

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