Day 14: Highlighting an evening Food Market or a gathering place
Taiwo Emmanuel

Day 14: Highlighting an evening Food Market or a gathering place

Taiwo Emmanuel

1 month ago


Day 14: Highlighting an evening Food Market or Gathering Place

Good day, dear Readership! I just realized I somehow missed the entry for day 14. It actually coincided with my illness.. and none of you even reminded me, lol.

Anyways, I have remembered now.. and then you can have it.

I ma glad to have you on this episode of the #CitizenJournalismChallenge and I'll be showing what an evening Food Market or a gathering place looks like in Nassarawa, Kainji axis of Niger State, Nigeria.

Kindly go through the pictures to see for yourself as pictures speak louder than words.

That will be all for today.. catch up with you later.

And I still remain my humble self.. Journalist Pendragon!


#CitizenJournalismChallenge #ExploreLocal #Nircle #NircleFeeds #MyNircleFeeds #My2024onNircle #LongForgottenStreets

1 month ago

Taiwo Emmanuel abass mohammed

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