Day 13: History of Oduduwa (African Folktale)

Day 13: History of Oduduwa (African Folktale)


3 months ago

The Mythical Story of Oduduwa and Ile-Ife.

Oduduwa the ancestral father of the Yoruba people was sent on a mission by Eledumare (God) together with his elder brother Obatala to create the earth. They were given a chain, a handful of mud, a five toed fowl and a guidance note.

On their way though, they saw palm wine along the way, Obatala drank himself into a stupor, Oduduwa picked the items to continue the journey leaving his brother behind.

He got to the point of commencing the mission, he was a little bit timid but a chameleon encouraged him, the Chameleon made him to understand that there was no going back. Oduduwa lowered the chain from heaven till it reached the earth which was primeval ocean. He threw the mud across the earth and lowered the fowl unto it to help disperse it all across. He planted a nut and thereafter, a mighty tree with sixteen branches appeared to represent the Yoruba clans and early life at Ile-Ife.

This opportunistic creation of the world by Oduduwa led to an unending conflict between both brothers. After successful creation of the world, Oduduwa became the first supreme king of Yoruba, and Obatala was said to create the first humans out of mud and clay.

photo credit: Google


3 months ago

Prisca (SVC) Chigozirim

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