Dark Night
Akinyemi Kehinde Akinwumi

Dark Night

Akinyemi Kehinde Akinwumi

2 months ago

Darkness, light,
Black and white.

Of recent, I have been working on a poem that evokes memories of childhood, travels, fantasies and portraits of close friends that I've known.
Book I is Interwoven with a visionary power that bordered mythology _ Yoruba Sagas that could be term Legends, stories in lines that could be true or otherwise.

In Book II, the copious work of my maturity reflected my somewhat confused ideology as I criticised my strength of versification. With the abstract tendencies of this 21st-century, I've seen how desperate poets are in need of the inner ears of their audience, as some wrote(write) the message and not the poetry itself.

Now, compare this two poems by different poets and reason what could bring forth the crafts.

We were young
Engulfed in burning passion
Till we melt into oblivion
Or rather I till I know
Only I was in this game of immolation


Poem 2
Do darkness and light mellow
While the fire beats them hollow?
Ah! Look, white and black
Are burning together in the dark
Till the two melt to the night
And again, darkness submerge the light.

©Inscribe Wing.
17/August, 2020

2 months ago

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