Creativity runs down..
Hassan Try

Creativity runs down..

Hassan Try

7 months ago

Every embryo wished to be fetus,
Buh lifestyle of mother let it kibosh😔,
Hungry tadpole also assume of a frog,
Not knowing insufficient food could impede it's growth, gosh😪

Every being desire for great things,
Not realizing paths can take different clashes,
Indeed, we all specialize on different things,
But what hault it's bloom is highly disgusting,

Our life has been a novel, full of good and bad
Thus, like Shakespeare we also want to write,
Temporal lobe is well functioning, hence we know d right,
Buh hand that's not able to carry food, cannot hold a pen to inscribed,
As good as Elton John, we have d melodious voice,
Sing out our emotions to d hearing of d world,
But our cardia is empty, oesophagus is dried,
We're starving, our fundus complain of what it stores, unripe😪
Hence, how did u expect us to be bright,

Creativity now runs down, when starvation start to rise,
We forget our unique features, only finding way to survive,
Help me with any food, only words we 're able to muttered😪

7 months ago

Hassan Try

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