Jatau Lumumba@lumumbajatau995415
2 months ago
Courage is not and never the absence of fear
But the awareness something else is important to care.
Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway,
We are confronted with challenges of life everyday.
Courage can be displayed in heroic, visible ways
Or in quiet, private battles we fight, needless to say.
Courage issue the inner strength that conquers inner fear
Refusing to heed to the taunt of weakness in the mind of the ear.
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage,
Having it doesnt require certificate nor coupon from college.
Courage is the virtue on which all other virtues mount,
In every realm of life, its one virtue that mostly count.
Courage demands accepting a measure of reasonable risk,
Think about how many souls would be lifted if we are courageously strick.
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