Bright Ouseibai@ouseibaibright530007
3 months ago
I've learned to lavishly launder lingering tears,
Lavish tears that were worth shedding
To wipe away wrenching wounds of worn-out years,
Worn years that weighed me down with weary fears
I've learned to wear a warm, winsome sunny smile,
I wear it well, through winding roads and trials vile
To show the world a brave, bold, and beaming face,
A beautifully brave face that beckons hope and banishes the darkest spots
But still I feel the piercing pang of pain,
Pain that persists with a lingering refrain
Yet, I'll hold on to this hard-won heroic might,
Mightier than the darkest night
For every tear I've tenderly torn away,
Torn away to make room for a brighter day
And with each smile I brightly and bravely wear
I wear it with courage to wipe away each sorrowful tear
I've learned to clean my crippling tears,
I clean them completely and calm all doubts and fear
I wear a courageous smile through all my fears,
Up the mountains and in the valleys.
The fears fade away when love and light appear,
Just as my name Bright.
Ouseibai Bright Ebi
06: 20 A.M GMT