Taiwo Jemimah


Taiwo Jemimah

6 months ago

The difference between confidence and arrogance is the evidence of results.

Have you observed that some people who once called you arrogant are now beginning to like you and call you a very confident person and they are telling you that they want to be like you?

An important observation I have made over time is that the moment you conceive a vision which is above what society or your peers think is acceptable, they will begin to draw back from you.

Most especially, if you are very vocal about your vision and where you are going to be in life.

They will doubt you and will say all manner of things to discourage you. Many people will call you a joker, ignoramus, or even arrogant.

They will tell you that you are just blabbing or daydreaming. They will remind you that no one has ever done it before and will tell you that it is very "arrogant" of you to dare such a thing.

These people have the latest statistics of how many people who tried to do what you have done and failed woefully.

They know the history of your lineage and would reveal how many people who tried to rise in your family suffered casualties.

They will tell you to hide your head so that you won't also suffer this kind of a thing, even though you are suffering already.

Some people are doing this intentionally so that you can remain at the same level and flock together. While some people are too afraid to allow you to fly on your wings.

When you begin to experience things like this, never give it your attention. They are distractions that will dissuade you from your goal.

Focus on what you are pursuing and don't allow what is pursuing you to stop and overpower you.

When you finally lay hold on your vision and have evidence, they will celebrate your confidence to run, notwithstanding the challenges

6 months ago

Taiwo Jemimah Agbinya Mario Gabriel

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