Clarion's Call
Abby Saila@sailaabby718822
7 months ago
The bomb flew past live ears, the word had gone out,
Like missiles from a troubled shooter, the way branched out,
As feet pitter patter in terror, the opponent sped forward,
It’s a do or die affair, this war on supremacy,
The mother wails for her child, wagging her head in despair,
Sorrow swipes its claws on faces, as sisters scramble,
Fathers enlisted, the home is vulnerable,
Shutter shatters as teeth rattles,
Broken hedges, safety gone,
Chaos ran unchecked as the sky bled red,
The rivers were in mourning, with crows in feast,
When gloom found a home in heat’s arms.
#poetry #storyteller
#nircle #creative #nirclestories