Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


Humulkhair Abdulmumeen

3 months ago

The sword of being betrayed
cut through my flesh
It hurts
It is painful
The feeling of having the closest
who does not care
The thought of having someone to run to
but does not help
Those I think would be there
and needs not to fear

Do you know how it feels
to have traitors among friends?

The known- stranger you always trust
but keeps breaking the trust you have in them

Have you ever felt the heartbreak
of a broken friendship?

When those you thought are
your friend and keep secrets with
But share with others making you a fool

Those that change like seasons and
make you the reason why they change

Those who you are eager to share your success with
but are always sad when you are happy

Those you share problems with
but adds to it

Those who have the look of a dove
but are always in search of prey
like an eagle

It is painful when they show who they are
making me feel like a fool in their midst

Leaving me with a broken heart that
can not be easily mend

It suffocates when I cry, holding onto
my chest while trying not to scream out the pain

Anyways, their loss, because I realize my worth
and I take things away from them

It might take a while but not forever
to forgive myself for being a fool
But it builds me more, making me stronger


3 months ago

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