Book Review; The Art Of Laziness - Library Mindset
Felicia Etim

Book Review; The Art Of Laziness - Library Mindset

Felicia Etim

10 months ago

This book talks about how to overcome procrastination and boost your productivity,what drew me to this book first, was the tittle "The art of laziness"and I got curious cause this is the first time I'm trying this author's work and I expected less from this book but trust me when I say it was brainstorming and worth my time.To me I will say it's one of the best self-help books,I have come across" Nevertheless; if you're type of person who finds it difficult to overcome procrastination and laziness you know what? "come closer" this book is definitely for you!!!

Life is short;hours are passing,days are passing,months are passing, years are passing,we no longer need to be told, to make the best use of our time and then the question is(Do we make the best use of our time? Do we love the things that we do? Are you around the people that you love?). Life is too short to do things you hate,the regret will be huge when you're old.

The art of laziness by Library mindset talks about responsibility;''winston Churchill says the price of greatness is responsibilities".The harsh truth is;
Nobody cares if you're lazy, nobody cares if You've achieved your goals or not, nobody cares if you procrastinate or not.I mean why should they care, they all have their lives to worry and think about,it would be best for you if you find time to do things for yourself,you must act.
It's your fault if you are lazy,it's your fault if you're unhappy with your life,it's your fault if you're a procrastinator.What are you going to gain if you escape from responsibility? nothing but regrets,"You will wake up one day and realize that the won't be any more time to do what you have always wanted,so why wait do it now" - Paulo Coelho.

Comfort zone is your enemy; you see comfort zone is a very beautiful illusion our mind create for us to be comfortable at our present state, but nothing ever grows there.The reason we have a lot of procrastinators is because they always want, to do everything tomorrow, this mindset doesn't lead to growth, because growth demands that you step out of your comfort zone.

Self discipline; "We must all suffer from one of this two pains:the pain of discipline and the pain of regret - Jim Rohn. Remember procrastination is the enemy of discipline.

Learn to say No; If you want to take better control of your time and life then you must learn to say No, Josh billings says "that half of the troubles we face in life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and No not soon enough".

Surround yourself with the right people; the truth is your the average of the five people you spend your time with - Jim Rohn, avoid negative and toxic people in your inner circle at all costs.

Don't be a perfectionist or a mediocre,it just doesn't happen it's chosen overtime through choices.

7 productive tips to start your day with:-
* Plan your day.
* Write your goals on physical paper.
* Follow the 80/20 rule.
* Stop multitasking,focus on one task at a time.
* Don't wait for the perfect time do it now.
* Avoid negative people at all costs.
* Do what you love.
I highly recommend this book

Related books that you can also read are:-
* Focus -by Daniel Goleman
* Atomic habits - James Clear
* Do it today - Darius Foroux
* The power of habit - Charles Duhigg
* The now habit - Neil Flore
* The procrastination cure - Damon Zahariades
* Win your inner battles - Darius Foroux
* Get smart - Brain Tracy

10 months ago

Felicia Etim morgan omotayo Nae Yomi John  Emmanuel

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